What You'll Learn During The Workshop:
Where To Find List Of Specific Types of Sellers:
- "Stacked" Absentee Owners
- Pre-Foreclosure
- Divorce
- Liens
- BK
- Many More!
My MPMT Marketing System:
You'll learn my Multi-Point Multi-Touch Marketing System that puts you MILES ahead of the one-shot wonders (your competition), so that you can get deal after deal out of your markets.
This changes the entire Motivated Seller Game...
The Marketing "Tempo":
You'll see how we use our "Lead Sheet" and create a "Marketing Tempo" depending on the type of seller. This makes such perfect sense, and gets such a great result, yet nobody knows how to do it... You will learn!
Talking To Sellers:
I'll share an awesome secret with you for getting a 64% BETTER result when talking to sellers. It's simple. It works. It's awesome.
We'll also listen in on a call! This will be awesome!
Reviews From People Who Have Attended David's Trainings
Why I'm Doing This:
I've heard over and over, from hundreds of people, the challenges they've been having trying to launch and grow their real estate business.
They've shared how they've tried other things. Bought courses, taken programs, and how nothing is working for them. Together, we are going to change that.
Finding Motivated Sellers is one of the biggest hurdles ALL Investors face. On this Workshop, you'll finally get the knowledge and tools you need to start getting the motivated sellers to build your business.
“ I'm Building an Army of Real Estate 'Commandos', And Enabling Them to Make a Major Impact On America ”
David is an ex-army Green beret