The Perfect Deal Flow System
Setup Step 3
Important - 2 steps on this page! Watch the video above for instructions.
Watch the video above for instructions before completing the steps below
Watch the video above (Send In Blue Setup), then complete the fields on the form below.
(If you REALLY get stuck, just put "stuck" in the form fields and we'll help!)
Watch the video above (Twilio Setup), then complete the fields on the form below.
(If you REALLY get stuck, just put "stuck" in the form fields and we'll help!)
Important - Follow the steps in the videos above, then click "Continue to Final Step"
Once you complete the form you will be taken to the FINAL step where you will schedule your onboarding call. You're almost there!
IMPORTANT - You MUST complete the simple steps above
Rest assured, we're always here for you! The setup process will go quickly and you'll be up and running!
**Please watch your email for a recap of these instructions on getting started.
You will receive several emails, including an invoice, a welcome email from us and an email with instructions.
Welcome to The Commando Family!
Important - If you do not receive your emails within 15 minutes, please let us know.
(make sure to wait 15 minutes!)
No email after 15 minutes? Reach out to us by clicking here for support
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